Monday, November 7, 2011

Magazine Mondays: Food

I'm not quite sure what this is, but it looks yummy anyway.

12:35 in the morning, and I'm hungry (in case time has passed, this fact will never change hahaha).
I don't know what it is, but I'm always, always hungry. I'm praying it's a sign of a faster metabolism, but I doubt it. Haven't been exercising for a while now cause of, well, something. Anyway, NAS CAPAS, the blog I've been telling you about is now my big, big, big source of inspiration.

And since I'm hungry, why not marry the two? The cure to a midnight hunger pang and an uninspired hour, is a collection of NAS CAPAS coolest FOOD MAGAZINE COVERS!
Prepare to salivate, cause these covers would make you want to munch on your computer screen.
All photos from NAS CAPAS

Jesus, save me!

- Gerard

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