Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dear GQ

Alexander Skarsgard looking amazing for GQ

The awesome, simple cover

To GQ,

I was this close to telling myself "You know what Gerard, why don't you just aim for another title in the future? Instead of GQ." I have no mean intentions whatsoever against your last cover boy and in fact find him incredibly funny and quite a character, but if it's all basing on cover value, I was slowly losing interest.

But since this is GQ, which is, as I've always mentioned, my big stylish brother, losing hope in you felt like losing your love for an older brother---someone who taught you that certain kinds of socks will only work with certain kinds of shoes and that being funny, witty, smart and down-to-earth about all of that was top priority. I just couldn't stomach life putting a blind fold over my eyes just cause your covers aren't always pleasing to my senses. And shame on me for putting that much value on the cover alone, when there's so much more to love inside.

Thank God though that you're hitting me back with one of your most stylish, handsome and really refreshing covers to date. Putting the blonde vampire Alexander Skarsgard on your June cover is a wake up call for me. This is what I love about GQ...It's the rugged, always American appeal and comeliness you put on the glossy and beyond it. I told myself, well, sweet Jesus answered my prayers.

It's beautiful, really. People might be reading this and they'd go "what's the fuss about it, it's just another cover?" and I'll tell them that they'll never understand how magazines are to me, just like how I would never understand other people's interests and loves. It is simple, I know, but it looks new to me and Skarsgard is just too right for the magazine.

Cheers to never letting me down, big stylish brother. Someday soon, I'll be part of your masthead...

- Gerard

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