Monday, August 30, 2010

Thank You!

Whoever spots my long name first will get a slap on the back
My photo
Still, not sinking in.
I remember when VOGUE e-mailed me, telling me that they wanted to put my letter on print and I just couldn't believe it. This, though is a little better, it's basically still the same feeling.
After "suffering" from public identification by the Laur at Fully Booked hours ago (who was like an angel, telling me that the magazine's finally on the stands) I ran to the stands and flipped through ROGUE's open copy...Seeing my name on print, under the masthead was just dot dot dot. I think I left my heart in Fully Booked. Dostoevsky had written something about this on Crime & Punishment...Now, it's totally skipped my mind, anyway, this is probably what you call surreal.

Thank you God for the gift of writing, my mom for being the best ass-kicker (meaning supporter and dream pusher) in the world, school of course for handsome training and to the mighty fine people at ROGUE...Please take me in, thank you.

This is lovely, and probably more triumphant than first love.
If you find me too all about this, I apologize. It's a dream of mine, you see and I just couldn't believe it.
It may not seem like it, but this is very humbling for me...Very, very humbling.

P.S. I'm still waiting for my copy though. 2GO, why is it taking so long? Tomorrow, I am praying, that I'd finally see it. Cause the ones I have now are mom's copies. hahaha



  1. What did you write about?

  2. I wrote about Cary Grant and Mick Jagger's style... :)
