Sunday, August 8, 2010

Future Tense

Mr. Aaron Articulo's super nice shot of me. Thank you AA.

The entire day, all I had in mind was the future.

I have engaged myself with "promising" activities, supposedly for my future and it seems like one of them ain't that "promising" at all. Whatever it is I just might never tell (it's either I get it or not...and if I do get it, I'll definitely write about it here), you know me, I'm quite secretive...hahah
It's a Sunday night and ideally, I should clear my schedule way ahead so that Sunday is my ultimate free day. That never happens. Like most of us, we do homework Sunday afternoon. And that stretches on to God knows when... Mind you I'm not cramming. I'm just a little behind my planned schedule. I've been thinking about saving up for a real nice planner, that way I'd find it painful not to write on it and not to follow my penned schedule. There was a time when I operated on some magic drug, whatever it was, it had me on a handsome roll, doing things ahead of schedule and healthily blogging like a robot. That was months ago, actually, when I was booked for so much work in school, that I forgot what funny was and how it felt like to laugh. Now, I'm just as booked...and if you cut open my brain you'd see the work load in big, bold letters.

T.S. Eliot

Funny thing is, I thought I was done with T.S. Eliot for my Western Literature class, now he's my date, yet again, discussing what it is that makes a classic, classic for my Foundations of the Humanities. He's one hard writer to figure out. But I take pride in sharing the same zodiac sign, since I am all for Libraology (if there is such a thing). Truman Capote is a Libra and my ultimate favorite writer F. Scott Fitzgerald is another weighing scale. I love all of them. Not much of a fan of Eliot's Wasteland cause he's the only person who could understand it---and some of us are just pretending we could---but I am a fan of his many smart sayings:

"This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper."

"Let's not be narrow, nasty and negative."

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one
can go."

source: BrainyQuote

The last one's the best. I was doing my presentation for Western Literature, looking things up about him (even spotting a super cool photo of him (above) that I joked was taken in Cebu) and since I make sure my classmates learn something more from them, I put in those witty words the writers' say. The last one was what I chose and after reading it I had decided I'd live by it until I make a better one.

So, it's back to the future. I've been reading so much of these great men and women's works and every single time it inspires me to push harder for my own sake. It sometimes gives me the goosebumps realizing that, if I want to, I could be among them. It's surely a dream and it's definitely free (don't you dare tell me dreaming comes with a price). That's probably the reason why I am extremely excited and afraid of the future...It's just around the corner and it feels like it's pulling you closer. As if one of these months, it'll pluck your soul from the confines of university life and then before you could even breathe, you're right on top of the world. I spent a fun evening with my college friends---whom I now consider brothers and sisters---and while we were all eating delicious Shabu Shabu (lab you Vincey Boy) I couldn't help but smile cause I knew that I was eating along with the future. All my friends I know are gifted with great potential and I pray that someday soon, we'd all be on top of the world. No one would ever be below us and it might be super cheesy, but I do hope we're all enjoying what it feels like to be on top together (cheeesssseeeee).
Speaking of the future, make sure you grab a copy of ROGUE magazine this month, next month (esepcially) and the next billion months to come. Why? Wait and see. Well, ROGUE's a fine publication and if you want a change of reading material, I recommend ROGUE. I never run out of things to say because it is among the best out there. For great quality to sell at 180 pesos, that's still pretty cheap (in my opion). Instead of wasting 130 on some mediocre publication, add fifty pesos more and it's suddenly a whole new level of sophistication.
Oh, and before we all get sleepy, I need your help before Monday/tomorrow night...It's for a philosophy paper. I thought, I'd screw writing about regret and instead write about fear. Why are we afraid and what are you afraid of? It'd be very much appreciated if I had feedback about your fears... (If for some reason you're afraid of me, my face, my bad teeth, whatever, don't write it down, cause that's not philosophical. That's an assault against me and I think that's bullshit. ahahaha..kidding)
Good night beautiful people. Here's for the future.


  1. Nikki likes this.

    I fear losing the people I love. And the aswangs, the tik tiks, and supernatural stuff. But think we fear because we love.

    (Trying to sound profound).
    But I hope that helps.

  2. Nikolalalalalala...
    I'm 400 words to go na lang! hahaha..I love your fears (labo).
    WE CAN REALLY DO THIS! What's your topic?
    And thanks for the sharing, cause I really need it.
